Thursday, September 8, 2011

Spicy Corn Off the Cob

Corn prepared this way is less sweet -- and definitely more spicy! -- than corn on the cob usually is. It is definitely a good way to use up extra cooked corn on the cob that you happen to have lying around. Having said that, this is an adaptation of an original recipe that calls for cooking the cob on the stove with these spices, and not using up pre-cooked corn.

1 ear of corn on the cob, cooked
1 teaspoon reduced fat mayonnaise
1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon Cajun seasoning
1 lime wedge

you'll also need:
a sharp knife
a cutting board
a small non-stick frying pan
heatproof stirring spoon
a small bowl to mix your ingredients in

1. grasp your ear of corn firmly, holding it vertically against the cutting board. With a sharp knife, cut the corn off the ear. Break the corn apart a little and put it in a bowl after you've mixed your seasonings together.
2. mix the mayonnaise and Cajun seasoning with your corn until everything is well coated.

3. over medium heat, cook the corn, stirring frequently, until it starts to take on a brown or glazed look.
4. off the heat, squeeze the lime wedge over the corn and stir. Serve the corn and eat it. Yummy!

I got this recipe from the cookbook Serves One.

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